End of week 35

This week we had a pre-handover inspection. We brought along Craig from Craig Rynne Construction as our independent building inspector.

Funnily enough, Clarendon had engaged their own ‘independent’ inspector for the walkthrough and had also had their Post handover/Warranty Guy and the SS along for the inspection.

It was a bit weird having the three “team Clarendon” guys looking over our shoulder while we walked around with team homebuyer (Me, Min and Craig) but that’s what happened.

I feel they were there really just to assess the brick issue and I expected them to discuss with us what they thought of the bricks and how they proposed to rectify them but that didn’t happen.

We spent probably three hours going over the house. I don’t think Craig thought he would be spending that long there. In terms of the inspection (excluding the brick issues) there were a lot of little issues. Mostly paint related issues eg runs, holes, etc. We also learnt that they put a 2-pak finish on the treads of the stairs and a different clear finish on the rest of the timber parts of the stairs. I guess this is because they need to have a harder, more durable finish on the actual steps. Unfortunately the 2pak finish was ‘lazily’ painted over the stringers and posts in parts and the colour variation is very obvious.

As i said there were lots of little minor things (paint, cracked tiles etc) that i expect Clarendon to have sorted by 12 May so i’m not going to list them all here.

There were a couple of annoying things like parts of the cornice having a lot of gap filler used – probably because walls/ceilings were level/straight.

Oh and there was the insulation in the ceiling. I almost didn’t bother to stick my head up as the SS had said it was all laid out. NOPE it wasn’t. Opened the man hole and straight away saw that that aircon ducting tubing was over the man hole. Poked my head up and couldn’t believe that there was no insulation up there. it wasn’t until I turned right around when I saw that the insulation was still in the big pink bags it comes in.

That reminds me, our SS did show us some pictures of insulation in the back bedroom walls that hadn’t been installed. It kind of looked like our house so I guess that’s as good as we will get.

Anyway we got through the inspection. We sent our big list of issues/defects to Clarendon on Tuesday night. Unfortunately Craig is still yet to send us his report and Clarendon has advised that they are awaiting his report before telling us what they are going to do about the bricks. Technically I don’t know why that is, but makes no difference as the bricks are FU….- wait family friend site – the bricks are not up to standard and they are going to have to do something about them.

They have mentioned the nawkaw product a few times but are yet to definitely say this is what they will be using or when it will be happening.

Anyway, hopefully going through all of this means we should have a smooth handover day!


message to self – put some pictures up!

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